31. 01. 2014
Bureau for Social Research (Biro za društvena istraživanja - BIRODI) in partnership with the Slovak organization MEMO 98 presented on 31 January 2014 the research findings on media coverage of corruption and the fight against corruption covering the period November - December 2013.
The main findings are as follows :
- The last round of monitoring confirms the observed trend that the media in general are not proactive and do not see their own interest in the disclosure of corruption cases and the fight against corruption - instead, in certain cases, these are used as a tool in the hands of certain political or economic interests.
- The result of the above said is a lack of comprehensive analysis that would provide a clearer insight into the current state when it comes to corruption and ways to prevent it.
- Part of the media selectively chooses the corruption cases they will report on. The media serve either as means of promoting the government's fight against corruption or to promote the ruling party as a fighter against corruption.
- Media do not use reports of anti-corruption bodies and their databases as a source for their articles and other coverage. Also, the media do not promote successful practices of civil society or individuals in the fight against corruption...
Full report Corruption and Anticorruption (pdf) November - December 2013 can be downloaded from the Medija centar Belgrade website.

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