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27. 03. 2015

Journalists laid wreaths at memorial to RTS employees

27.3.2015. (Tanjug) - BELGRADE - Initiative group of journalist-participants of the international conference on the protection of safety and integrity of journalists in the OSCE region laid wreaths on Friday at the memorial to employees of the Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) killed in the 1999 NATO bombing.

NATO planes targeted the RTS building in the early morning of April 23, 1999. The attack claimed the lives of 16 media employees.

The representatives of Russian media outlets Russia 1, Life News and Russia Today laid wreaths at the memorial "Zasto?" (Why?), the Russian Embassy in Serbia said in a release.

The ceremony was attended by journalists from England, Lithuania and Spain, as well as members of People's Chamber of the office of the Russian president, and representatives of the Russian civilian NGO sector.

In addition to the memorial placed near the RTS building, memorial park "Lest We Forget" with 16 trees, one for each killed RTS employee, was opened recently in the Belgrade neighborhood of Kosutnjak.

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