21. 03. 2014
Belgrade, 03.21.2014 (Akter ) - A multimedia campaign under the slogan "Don`t Let Them Spin You," with a goal to draw attention primarily of high school students on the importance of verification of news and a critical attitude towards information, will start on 24 March.
The campaign organizers announced at a press conference that the campaign, which will last until June, has the participation of eight television and radio stations, and a special emphasis on the Internet and social networks because they are increasingly being used by the young people.
Speaking about the importance of such campaigns and media literacy, the president of the Independent Journalists' Association of Vojvodina Dinko Gruhonjić said that there is more and more propaganda and less objective reporting in media, which is why it is important to raise awareness of those who consume media content.
He believes that the media will not be able to spin the issues if those on the other side no longer believe everything they read and do not "soak up like a sponge" all information.
"There is ever less journalism and ever more propaganda," said Gruhonjić stating that the tabloidization of the society is at work.
Editor of "Njuz net" a satirical site, Nenad Milosavljević noted that the media often access information recklessly and without checking it.
Supporting this statement Milosavljević said that the news generated by his site, although satirical, end up in mainstream media and recalled one example of a news item that a Serb killed a shark in Egypt went around the world.
The manager of the on- line community Milos Čolović said that the goal of the campaign carried out by the Media Coalition is primarily to raise awareness of high school students to critically access information.

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