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21. 12. 2015





12th issue of the ANEM's specialized publication "Legal Monitoring of the Serbian Media Scene"





The Monitoring Publication XII contains articles that offer expert explanations of important media issues and could contribute to their better understanding. 

Table of Contents of the Monitoring Publication XII

  • Introduction (with a summary of findings of the legal monitoring of the Serbian media scene in 2015 and a short overview of the Publication);

four articles by expert authors:

  • Project Co-Financing Rulebook: One Year After - by Slobodan Kremenjak, attorney at law (why is the financing of media from public resources an important question in Serbia; how is it regulated; what are the results of the enforcement of the rules on project co-financing; what and who will determine whether the project co-financing mechanism will be utilized in the interest of the public);
  • Integrative Processes in the Serbian Media Sector: -s Media Concentration the new Value of the Media Scene? - by Miloš Stojković, attorney at law (the regulatory basis for media integration; SBB and Telekom, as distributors and providers of media services; changes to the ownership structure of RDP B92 - the first time REM had to determine if it was a case of unlawful concentration of ownership between two electronic outlets; Adria Media - the first case of cross-concentration; privatization of public media; networking of local media; potential positive and negative effects of integration on the media landscape);
  • The Public Interest in the Area of Public Information - by prof. Snježana Milivojević, PhD (gap between the media regulations and practice in Serbia; characteristics of the media system in Serbia with attributes of the "Mediterranean Model"; the public interest and the media - three different concepts of public interest; the public interest as the basis of media policy);
  • The Role of the Media in the Development of Freedom of Expression and Creation of a Responsible Public - by docent Jovo Bakić, PhD (why are freedom of opinion and the creation of a responsible public important; why is the existence of the journalistic profession indispensable; the mutual relations of the public and journalists; the difference between professional journalists and journalists; the importance of professional journalism for a responsible government).

and the 5th article:

  • The European Court of Human Rights - Information Notes on the Court's Case-Law (excerpts from the Information Notes available on the Court's website) - short overview of two judgments of this court, pertaining to the implementation of Article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: the first was reached in the case Haldimann and Others v. Switzerland - 21830/09 (Information Note no. 182,  February 2015) - the application of four journalists regarding conviction for secretly filming and subsequently broadcasting for public interest purposes interview with insurance broker; the Court established violation of the applicants' right to freedom to impart information; the second was reached in the case Pentikäinen v.Finland - 11882/10 (Information Note no. 189,  October 2015) - the application of a journalist/photographer regarding arrest and conviction of journalist for not obeying police orders during a demonstration:: the Court established no violation of the applicant's right to freedom of expression.  


The creation of this Publication is supported by the Swiss Cooperation Office Serbia within the Small Projects Fund, but the views presented in this publication are the sole responsibility of its authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Swiss Cooperation Office Serbia.


The integral version of the bilingual 12th Monitoring Publication (Serbian/English) is available for download here.

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