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31. 12. 2013

ANEM Suggestions for New Broadcasting Strategy in the Republic of Serbia

Bearing in mind that the current strategy of broadcasting development in the Republic of Serbia covers the period until 2013, that it was adopted back in 2005 and that in the meantime there have been changes in the media market and media environment in Serbia, as well as the development of new technologies for the distribution of media content, that the Media Strategy was adopted, that the adoption of a set of new media laws is to take place soon, as well as the digitalization of terrestrial television, ANEM has produced written suggestions for a new Broadcasting Strategy in the Republic of Serbia and submitted them to the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RBA) on 31 December 2013.

For the definition of recommendations for a new strategy, ANEM started from the analysis of the regulatory framework for broadcast media, citing regulations / documents that make up the current legal framework in Serbia (taking into account the publicly available drafts of the new media laws), but also in Europe, as well as what each regulation / document specifically regulates. In addition, the paper also presents the evaluation of the fulfilment of the Broadcasting Development Strategy until 2013, starting from the key areas that the RBA Strategy identified as the main goals / directions for the development of broadcasting in Serbia. For each of these areas, of which there are nine (the tenth refers to the then existing state of broadcasting), ANEM provided individual assessment of achievement, taking into account what the Strategy envisaged as a target and what the present situation is in the area. The nine areas are: the transformation of the Public Enterprise Radio Television of Serbia and the financing of public services; determining the number and type of broadcasters in the Republic of Serbia; privatization of broadcast media founded by the local governments; commercial broadcasting - conditions for the issuance of permits, the criteria for issuing licenses and the amount of fees for broadcasting program; cable and satellite systems; digital broadcasting; supervision of the operation of broadcasters; unique transmission system; and the RBA activity to improve the existing regulations. Based on the assessment of the achievement of the objectives of the Strategy, ANEM also provided basic guidelines for a new strategy. They concern the resolution of legacy issues and the further development of the broadcasting sector.  As part of the recommendations for the solution to the problems, ANEM gave suggestions related to public service broadcasters (finance, accounting separation and revision, editorial independence and transparency, the reorganization and rationalization of institutions of public service broadcasting) and to the privatization of the remaining broadcast media in public ownership. In the section relating to the development of the sector, ANEM gave recommendations for improving the regulatory framework for commercial broadcasters (the media service providers), transparency of ownership and media concentration; digitalization of terrestrial television, creating technology-neutral framework for the provision of media services regardless of the platform and regulation, self-regulation and co-regulation. ANEM emphasized that the strategy must envisage the following: the RBA obligation to continuously monitor and analyze the policy determined by the Strategy, taking into account the suggestions of media service providers; commitment to review the established development policy at least once every four years by the adoption of a new strategy, and, if necessary, withing shorter deadlines; the obligation of RBA to accompany the passing of strategic acts with public debates and the consultation of as many relevant opinions as possible; the obligation to develop the Action Plan as an integral part of the Strategy, which would clearly specify tasks in achieving strategic goals.


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This activity was supported by Civil Rights Defenders.

ANEM suggestions are available here (only in Serbian).

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