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10. 02. 2009


Media outlets in Serbia are, evidently, heavily disturbed by the effects of economic crisis, due to advertisers’ drastically cut in budgets. Internal survey conducted among ANEM member stations shows shortage of advertising revenues ranging from 20% to even 50%, along with poor collection of payments.

Media Department within OSCE Mission in Serbia, driven by the alarming information about situation in media sphere, organized a joint meeting of donors’ organizations, embassy representatives and media outlets. Meeting entitled “Economic crisis and its impact on media in Serbia”, was held on February 9th, in the OSCE Mission headquarter in Belgrade. Present members were greeted by Dragana Solomon, head of OSCE Mission Media Department. Beside representatives of media outlets, representatives of donors’ organizations USAID, IREX, NPA, OSI, etc. were also present at the meeting, along with delegates of diplomatic core and European Commission, embassies of USA, Netherlands, Denmark, United Kingdom, etc. Speakers at the meeting were Dragan Kremer, Medienhilfe Program Manager and consultant, ANEM President, Saša Mirković and Ivana Ostojić, Managing Director of OMD Marketing Agency. Dragan Kremer and Saša Mirković emphasized the extremely difficult position of media caused by economic crisis and cut in advertising budgets. Ivana Ostojić, with a slightly positive overview of the current economic situation, presented new forms of marketing communications with clients. All present at the meeting were very interested in the speakers’ presentations of recent situation in print and electronic media. After the presentations, internal debate was developed among representatives of media and members of donors’ and diplomatic community, who demonstrated high level of awareness of Serbian media position affected by the impact of global economic recession.

Saša Mirković, ANEM President, shortly presented the Association and media scene in Serbia, and displayed the results of internal survey conducted among local and regional ANEM stations about the effects of crisis and possible solutions to the problems.

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