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23. 09. 2008

Digitalization of the Broadcasting Sector

An unavoidable and serious transformation lies ahead of television – a complete transition to digital broadcasting. In this way, after 50 years of unchallenged rule characterized by enormous influence over the public and huge market success, it will have to prove again its communication value.

It is beyond doubt that digital broadcasting brings numerous advantages – from more channels to more varied offerings to improved technical capacities – but these advantages can be realized only with a thoroughly prepared, precise and all-encompassing strategy of transition to a new technology of broadcasting.

The report written by Slobodan Kremenjak and co-authored by Jelena Surculija contains recommendations and guidelines for preparation of a strategic plan to adequately respond to upcoming challenges and improve the quality of the media scene and the variety of programme content.

Aside from the proposal to establish a counselling body bringing together all stakeholders (state institutions, the university, broadcasters, independent producers...), the authors offer numerous recommendations related to preparation, monitoring and implementation of the digitalization strategy.

You can read all recommendations and the complete report here

Digitalization of Broadcasting Sector - Recommendations for Media Policy

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