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21. 08. 2008

Privatisation and the Media

In 2008, ANEM initiated and organized several meetings with representatives of the government, mechanisms for human rights protection and also with representatives of domestic and international organizations working in the field of protection of human rights and media freedoms, with the aim to achieve a systematic and thorough approach to resolving some old, but also some new problems in media privatization process.

ANEM would like to remind that with the adoption of the Broadcasting Act and Public Information Act a media sector reform started. State and its institutions assumed a duty to complete media privatization process for all the media organizations that are owned by the state. It has also been envisaged that this process will be followed by transformation of the Serbian Radio Television into a public service, both at the republic and at the level of the province of Vojvodina. However, on December 29th, 2007, the Republic of Serbia National Assembly passed the Local Self-Government Act and the Capital City Act, as two of four laws that ought to regulate territorial organization of Serbia, its administration and local elections. Certain provisions of these two legal acts, stipulating that municipalities are authorized to establish television and radio stations, and that the City of Belgrade is permitted to found television and radio stations, newspapers and other public information media, present a serious and unacceptable attack against media sector reforms in Serbia that have started after the October change of regime back in 2000.

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For more information on the privatisation of the media in Serbia:

* Please read NUNS and ANEM's public statement: NUNS and ANEM Demand Statute Provision which Allows City of Belgrade to Own Media to be Withdrawn, Initiative Supported by Local Press, NDNV and UNS, October 14th, 2008

* Please read ANEM’s public statement: Joint Announcement – Group for Media Sector Reform on Suspension of Privatisation Process (January 10th, 2008, ANEM)

* Minister Announces Changes in Provisions of the Law on Local Self-Government Which Blocked the Privatisation of Local Media (August 24, 2008, B92)

* Minister of Culture and Media: State Will Not Own Any Media Outlets (September 4th, 2008, Vreme)

* Download Public Information Law and Broadcasting Law under the section Media Laws or here

* Disputed provisions of the Law on Local Self-Governance and the Law on Capital City are provided below

Law on the Capital City
Law on the Local SelfGovernance

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