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27. 03. 2015

"Firm commitment to freedom of expression"

27.3.2015. (Beta, Tanjug, B92) - BELGRADE -- Serbian Foreign Minister and OSCE chairman Ivica Dacic says Serbia is "firmly committed to protecting the safety of journalists and freedom of expression."

This is a key element of a truly democratic society, Dacic said.

He addressed a conference Belgrade on protection of journalists' safety and integrity organized by the OSCE to add that violence against journalists was "unacceptable and must be treated as an attack on society as a whole."

"Serbia will, as chair of the OSCE in 2015, hold the issue of press freedom and safety of journalists high among the priorities of the organization," Dacic said.

OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatovic said that it is important that there is strong condemnation from the highest levels when journalists are attacked or killed "because otherwise, that can destroy democracy."

"Words and pictures do not cause bruising and do not kill people. Criminals do that and they must be confronted with the strictest arm of the law," Mijatovic said, adding that "violence against those who have a different opinion is unacceptable."

The two-day international conference opened in the Palace of Serbia in Belgrade on Thursday.

According to announcements, Dacic will have a separate meeting Mijatovic.

The gathering was organized by the Serbian Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the support from the office of the OSCE representative on freedom of the media. It is designed as a forum for exchange of opinion and experiences for government representatives, media, legislative bodies and other relevant factors.

The focus of the conference will rest on problems and challenges the media are facing today, as well as possible recommendations for improvement of journalist safety.


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