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08. 08. 2014

Montenegro: Man accused of pimping assaults reporter

Kotor, 8.8.2014 (Tanjug) - A man accused of organizing a prostitution ring has physically assaulted a reporter for the Montenegrin daily Dan, in the presence of the police.

The incident happened on Friday in the town of Kotor, in front of a local court.

The accused, Marko Jovanović, was being brought into the building when reporter Biljana Marković attempted to take a photo.

Despite the fact he was escorted by police officers, Jovanović struck the journalist and smashed her camera, the Podgorica daily Pobjeda is reporting.

The police in Montenegro on Thursday arrested Rade Božović, owner of the Budva-based establishment "San Remo", manager Miloš Vlahović, and Jovanović, his associate, on suspicion that they organized a brothel under the guise of running "an exclusive bar."


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