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04. 02. 2009


The latest issue of the „Serbian Law Review” (for 2008) entitled “Media regulations” is recently published. This expert publication is a result of partnership and cooperation between Legal Forum and ANEM and it is supported by several donors – USAID, IREX, OSCE and Open Society Fund Serbia.

ANEM and Legal Forum gathered prominent experts in the media and media policy related area, to point out to the general public and all interested stakeholders, the current position of media in Serbia and their problems in the transitional society, considering their significant role in development of democratic institutions.

Publication is consist of 10 authors’ texts of prominent media and media policy experts, treating the various themes and concerns, ranging from developing factors of media industry, the role of media regulatory bodies and public service broadcaster, regulation of media ownership concentration, privatization, advertising in the public interest, free access to information, legal aspects of the investigative journalism and defamation and label. Special significance to this issue is the paper of outstanding European expert Carol Jakubowicz writing about EU Audio-visual politics.

ANEM considers this publication as one more additional significant contribution to the media reforms in Serbia, especially in the field of regulations and media policy. Argument stands of the authors, their critical reflection on the recent situation and problems facing the media, as well as suggestions of tangible, innovative solutions, can serve as a starting point for creation of the optimal regulatory framework for valid media reform in Serbia.

The complete publication is available in Serbian only, while the two articles are available in English.

EU Audiovisual Politics (English version)
The Role of Media Regulatory Bodies (English version)
Download entire publication (available in Serbian only)

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