23. 03. 2015
Organizer: Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM)
Date: 31 March 2015 (Tuesday)
Time: 11.00 - 15.00
Place: Hotel „Grand", Vožda Karađorđa 12, Niš, hall „Metropoliten", 1st floor
ANEM invites all the media, journalists and other interested parties to take part in the free-of-charge seminar on the implementation of new media laws, to be held on 31 March 2015 (Tuesday) in Niš. The seminar will focus on the Law on Public Information and Media and the Law on Electronic Media. It will be the fourth in a series of seminars that ANEM is organizing from December 2014 to May 2015. A seminar in Belgrade was held on 25 December 2014, a seminar in Novi Sad on 27 January 2015, a seminar in Kragujevac on 25 February 2015, while seminars in Subotica and Novi Pazar will be held in April and May 2015. The organization of the seminars is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands, with technical assistance by the OSCE Mission to Serbia.
Lecturers are representatives of the key responsible institutions - Ministry of Culture and Information, Regulatory Authority of Electronic Media and Privatization Agency, as well as media and legal experts. These institutions created the said laws/ implement them/monitor their implementation.
The seminars provide an opportunity for all the media and journalists and other interested parties to obtain, from competent lecturers, expert clarifications and explanations of their rights and obligations prescribed by the said laws, in order to better understand them and implement them adequately, and thus contribute to the improvement of their own position and the situation in the media sector.
Lecturers at the seminar in Niš:
- Attorney at law Slobodan Kremenjak, expert for media law, member of the ANEM legal team
New solutions in media laws (the Law on Public Information and Media; the Law on Electronic Media)
- Saša Mirković, State Secretary, Ministry of Culture and Information
Implementation of the Law on Public Information and Media (co-financing projects in the public information sector in order to realise public interest; registration in the Media Register)
- Ljubiša Kuvekalović, senior legal advisor, Regulatory Authority of Electronic Media
Implementation of the Law on Electronic Media (the Regulator's measures; advertising rules in electronic media; obligations of media service providers pertaining to program)
- Zoran Pavić, Director of the Communication Sector, and Olivera Aranđelović, project manager, Privatization Agency
Procedure of the ownership change of social and public capital in the media (I phase - Sale; II phase - Free of charge transfer of capital)
- Prof. Rade Veljanovski, PhD, media expert
Public interest in the media sphere - regulatory and practical aspects
Please note that we are not able to cover the cost of participants' transportation. Refreshments and lunch during seminar are provided.
Also, please note that the working language of the seminar is Serbian and that we are not able to provide interpretation for the event.
Due to the limited number of participants that can take part in the seminar, we kindly ask you to confirm your participation by Wednesday, 25 March, by 12.00 pm, at e-mail: tatjana.boskic@anem.org.rs
Please, find the event agenda attached.

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