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20. 05. 2015

Annex to the Agreement on a single tariff of fees, and Protocol with OFPS and PI

Following the adoption of new media legislation, the Law on Public Information and Media and the Law on Electronic Media, as well as amendments to the regulations in the field of accounting and auditing, ANEM, OFPS and PI have agreed to conclude an Annex to the Agreement on a single tariff of fees for broadcasting phonograms and interpretations recorded on them. The aim of this Annex was to harmonize terminology with media laws because of obsolescence of terms used in the Agreement, as well as to ensure compliance with the regulations governing the ​​accounting and auditing. The Annex to the Agreement on a single tariff of fees, which  does not affect the substance of the Agreement, was concluded on 18 May 2015.

At the same time, although the Agreement on a single tariff of fees provides that the value of the point is to be harmonized with the annual rate of increase in consumer price index each 1st January, at the proposal of ANEM, with which agreed OFPS and PI, the Protocol was concluded in which all three sides agreed that the value of point would not be changed in 2015, for reasons of economic crisis and the difficult financial situation of electronic media, as well as a slight increase in consumer price index in 2014.

Annex to the Agreement on a single tariff of fees and Protocol are available only in Serbian here.


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