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21. 08. 2008

Attacks on the Media in Serbia: Recent and not so Recent Past

If anything independent media in Serbia have learnt during the recent history that is never to stop fighting for its freedom. This is a continuous process full of interesting events, challenges, twists, developments and tragic events, the consequences of which can be felt even today. The author Mr. Sasa Mirkovic, gives an insight in ’twists and turns’ in media scene back in the 1990’s with strong media resistance to authoritarian regime of Slobodan Milosevic. With their mere existence in jeopardy, networking, journalistic solidarity and assistance of donors were the best and only ways to live on.

Even after the changes of regime in 2000 and new democratic government in place, independent media had to continue to work hard to contribute to fundamental social changes. Focus of their work now is not mere survival as during the 1990’s, but systematic engagement in the preparation on laws and regulatory measures. New government, as it turned out, was not so willing to let go of media control and allow their full affirmation. To find out what are the challenges to independent media today and what are the ways to overcome these challenges, read the following item...

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